Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ava's first field trip

Ava had her first field trip last friday with Mrs. Woolsey's preschool class. They went to the fire station on 800 west and to the new safety house. It was really cute and a good presentation for the little tikes. I was glad she was able to go and learn about fire safety.
They even got to sit in the big fire truck. They could have probably fit their whole class on that front seat! This was everyone's favorite part was seeing the fire trucks.
Ava and her best friend, Ashlin.
This "firefighter" was actually one of the dad's who came with his son to the field trip. They said that once they put all of their gear on it weighs about 60 lbs. Yikes! Glad I'm not a firefighter.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Looks fun for Ava. She is so cute! I have got to get on the ball with my blog. So lazy!