Monday, January 26, 2009

Ava and the ABC's!

I must begin working on the ABC's a little harder with Ava. This morning we were doing her hair and she was telling me she knew all the sounds to her ABC's so we started saying a few together.

Me: Mm, Mm Monster. Mm, Mm Money.

Ava: Mm, Mm Girl. Mm, Mm Tasty.

Oh dear! Where have I gone wrong? I couldn't help but laugh. It was too cute.


Jeff and Jen said...

That is so cute. Mm Mm, Tasty, that makes sense. Sounds like she is a thinker.

Sundi @ The Life of a Cheap Chickadee said...

You take such cute pictures. What a cutie. I regret to say that we will be out of town this weekend. Addy is devastated, literally! She has been crying about missing Ava's party for two days! We will have to bring her present over next week. If you think of it save a party goody for Addy, it might help ease her pain ;)