Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa Found Us!

On Christmas morning this is what Savannah and Ava found under the tree . . .

They were very excited. This doll house is as tall as Savannah! I suppose you really can't tell from the picture. Our Christmas morning didn't start until about 9 a.m. Savannah and Ava had a really hard time going to bed on Christmas Eve because they were so excited! I think after about 2 hours Jason finally brought them in our bedroom and laid with them so SANTA could actually get his work done.

Happy Girls with Crazy Hair! I think Savannah's favorite part of not being in school is getting away with not doing her hair. She begs me everyday, I don't know why she hates to have it done so bad. A fun tradition that we have on Christmas Eve (which was handed down from Jason's family) is opening a present and it is always their Christmas pajamas they get to wear to bed that night.
And this was Leah's first Christmas (I know, lots of firsts) and of course her favorite part about all of it was the bows. She wasn't interested really in anything else. And I'm sorry, I couldn't resist posting this picture . . .

All in all we had a good Christmas! But I must say that I am glad that it is over. Christmas came too fast for me this year. We hope everyone had a merry christmas and are looking forward to the new year!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I love the doll house. I would have loved that when I was there age. I am sure they loved it.
We do the Christmas PJ tradition too, I grew up with that. It is a fun tradition.
Sorry we missed you today. I WILL see you soon!!!!!!
Oh, that baby Leah is TOO CUTE!